About Robert Lunday

Photo by Katy Anderson

I was born in Fort Jackson, South Carolina in 1958, and grew up in the United States and West Germany, mainly on Army posts. In 1980 I graduated from Sarah Lawrence College. After a few years of downtown life in Manhattan and traveling about the country, I finished a Master’s in Creative Writing at the University of Houston in 1985. Over the next five years I had a series of fellowships and residencies: two at the Provincetown Fine Arts Works Center (1986-87, 1988-89), where I was also the Writing Committee Coordinator (1991-92); the St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., where I was Writer in Residence (1987-88); and Stanford University, where I was a Stegner Fellow (1989-91). Marrying in 1990, I moved with my new wife, Yukiko, to Japan for three years before returning to Houston to work on a Ph.D., finishing in 2002. Since then I’ve taught writing and literature at Houston Community College. After living eleven years on a small horse farm in central Texas, I returned to Houston proper – but with plans to retire from teaching and a move once again to Japan, perhaps next year.